On Saturday, May 15, all members of the dojo came together to hold a regional shōdan shiken for both Clear Lake and the San Antonio dojo. We were honored to have John Ray Sensei come down again to lead the judging panel, and for Jon Andresen Sensei’s support. Also we were privileged to have the support of Michael Goodman’s spouse, Melissa, assist us as the Candidate Organizer (CA) for the bow-out area. Even those who were not testing played key roles,– Laurence Ching was the CA for the bow-in area and managed the number tags; Sean O’Hara was the Ceremony Master (CM) for the opening ceremony, testing (1-4dan), and closing ceremony.
Before the test Ray Sensei lead us through a short practice of the Battō Hō set, pointing out and reiterating kihon as he went. Then there was a brief rehearsal of the process for the benefit of the two students from the San Antonio/Austin dojo who were new to the Clear Lake dojo and our testing process. Next the written tests were administered and graded. Finally we were ready to begin the main part. The opening/closing ceremonies and everyone’s practical tests went very smoothly, thanks to the weekly rehearsals. During closing remarks Ray Sensei announced that he would recommend all for the rank they tested for. Below is a listing of who tested for what. After the group photo (see below) was taken and break down complete, everyone walked to the nearby Italian restaurant for a long relaxed meal with much fellowship.
Note: In addition to the expected shodan through yondan tests there was a surprise (surprise to everyone except for Ray Sensei and myself) hachidan test. Michael Goodman was the CM for that segment.
Testing for shodan: Jonathan MacDonald (CL), Collin Rogers (SA/A), Billy Tran (CL).
Testing for sandan: Michael Goodman (CL), Eric Simon (SA/A)
Testing for yondan: Troy Beckman (CL)
Testing for hachidan: Emily Egan (CL)